World Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw - Lora S. Irish
artikelnummer: 19288Productinformatie
Dit boek biedt u 60 modellen van in het wild levende dieren zoals olifanten, antilopen, tijgers, leeuwen, walvissen, apen en nog veel meer! Duidelijke tekeningen en kleurenfoto's garanderen u succes bij het figuurzagen!
Auteur: Lora S. Irish
Taal: Engels
Afmetingen: Paperback, 216x279mm
Pagina's: 67
Extra informatie
Inside this pattern book, scroll saw artists will find more than 50 beautifully rendered patterns of some of the best-known animals in the world.The main focus of the book is on patterns. Each of the more than 50 patterns is given its own page in the book and each is reproduced full-size on that page.
Beginning scrollers may opt to cut only the outline of the piece for a silhouette pattern of the animal. More experienced scrollers may choose to make all the inside cuts to create a stunning image of the animal in wood.
The book also includes basic cutting instructions to give beginning scrollers an idea of how to apply the patterns to their own projects. A color gallery of finished pieces showcases a dozen of the patterns cut and finished in a variety of woods.
This book is ideal for beginning to advanced level scrollers and will appeal to any scroller who enjoys wildlife of the world. Species featured include: lion, tiger, koala, kangaroo, panda, penguin, camel, elephant, monkey, gorilla, wolf, bear, antelope, polar bear, penguin, reindeer, elk, mountain goat, snake, jaguar, parrot and more.
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