Woodwork Exhibition - Zuid-Afrika

"The Woodworking Associaton of Pretoria will again present its popular Annual Exhibition this year on 1 October from 08:00 to 14:00. We hope that you will come enjoy the time with us. The Exhibition will be at the New Hope School which is a specialist school for children with various disabilies. The Exhibition will assist the School in much -needed fund-raising."
Exhibition Highlights
- Exhibits (Furniture, turned items, toys, woodcarving)
- Demonstrations
- Sales (Credit card facilities available)
- Suppliers (Tools, equipment, goods and services)
- Woodworking information
- Food and refreshments
- Tea Garden - Prize draws
- Safe Parking (Free)
Toegang: Volwassenen R30, kinderen gratis
Datum: zaterdag 01 oktober 2016
Tijd: 08:00 - 14:00 uur
Adres: New Hope School: Cecelia Road, Ashlea Gardens
Postcode: 0081
Plaats: Pretoria, Zuid-Afrika
Website PTA woodworkers