About us

Titus Baptist
Manager director, webshop, marketing and purchasing
Since I was a kid I was walking around at Baptist. Last years I pay a lot of attention to our website and other marketing activities. Besides, I am responsible for the purchasing of products for the (web)shops. In 2008 I graduated for my Masters in Business with a specialization in Marketing at the Radboud University in Nijmegen.
E-mail: titus@baptist.nl

Niels Bedeaux
Sales Baptist Arnhem
I am Niels Bedeaux. Working at Baptist since 1990. Started part time in the warehouse and then further developed my knowledge in the shop. I am the proud father of a son and daughter. I have a passion for tools. I also like to be in the kitchen. We have many people who have been working with us for a long time, which of course says something. I hope to welcome you to our specialty store.
E-mail: verkoop@baptist.nl

Maurice van den Brink
Sales Baptist Arnhem
I am Maurice van den Brink. In 1992 I started at Baptist IJzerwaren & Gereedschappen and from the end of 2006 to the beginning of 2008 I worked at Baptist Gebouwbeslag. In addition to my interest in (home) furnishing, I am very interested in tools, especially because I do the maintenance on my motorcycles myself.
E-mail: verkoop@baptist.nl

Mascha van der Meer
Sales Baptist Arnhem
Na mijn opleiding tot meubelmaker ben ik in oktober 2010 begonnen bij Baptist voor Houtbewerkers. Samen met de klant zoeken naar de beste oplossing vind ik het leukste aspect van mijn werk. Verder speur ik graag het internet af op zoek naar nieuwe gereedschappen, heeft u tips dan hoor ik het graag!
Ik woon samen met mijn dochter in het Spijkerkwartier in Arnhem en in mijn spaarzame vrije tijd ben ik te vinden in de werkplaats. Het bezig zijn met hout en goed gereedschap maakt mij intens gelukkig.
Op donderdag, vrijdag en zaterdag ben ik aanwezig op de Vlamoven, graag tot ziens.
E-mail: verkoop@baptist.nl

Manuel de Swaaf
Sales Baptist Arnhem
Sinds maart 2019 maak ik deel uit van dit nu 39 jaar oude familiebedrijf.
Binnen het zeer hechte en ervaren team van Baptist gaat er geen dag voorbij zonder iets nieuws te leren. Ik vind het leuk om deze opgedane kennis te kunnen delen en u zo tot dienst te zijn.
E-mail: verkoop@baptist.nl

Lars van Alfen
Sale Baptist Arnhem
Lars will be working in our store from October 10. Welcome!
E-mail: verkoop@baptist.nl

Julius Leerkamp
Sales Baptist Arnhem
Half november is Julius gestart in de winkel. Van harte welkom!
E-mail: verkoop@baptist.nl

Remi Vreuls
Sales Baptist Arnhem
Remi works for us on Saturdays and during the school holidays in the shop.
E-mail: verkoop@baptist.nl

Peter Schuil
Webshop Baptist Arnhem
In 1992 I started at Baptist IJzerwaren en Gereedschappen. In recent years I have mainly focused on web store orders and the logistics surrounding them.
E-mail: bestelling@baptist.nl

Frank Bröcker
Webshop Baptist Arnhem
Since June 2015, immediately with the move to the location on the Vlamoven, I have been working at Baptist. I mainly work with Peter Schuil on processing the orders that come in via this website. In addition, of course, products arrive that need to be processed in the warehouse and in the store.
E-mail: bestelling@baptist.nl

Marcel Mellema
Warehouse Baptist Arnhem
Since February 2018 I have been working at Baptist, a unique family business. As a warehouse employee I take care of the processing of all incoming products in the warehouse and in the store. I work with great colleagues, from whom I learn a lot every day about the enormously wide range.
In my spare time I like to work in and around our house from 1915 and photography is my great passion.
E-mail: inkoop@baptist.nl

Maickel Kremer
Warehouse Baptist Arnhem
I have been working at Baptist since the summer of 2018. It gives me satisfaction when customers come to the store with a problem and I can help them find a solution. Letting the customer leave the store satisfied, that makes me happy.
In addition to my work at Baptist, I enjoy my family, watching football, running and cycling.
E-mail: bestelling@baptist.nl

Niels van der Scheur
Warehouse Baptist Arnhem
Niels works from Tuesday to Saturday. He is mainly concerned with processing incoming products in the warehouse and in the store. Niels also takes care of processing orders.
E-mail: bestelling@baptist.nl

Bouwe Zwertbroek
Warehouse Baptist Arnhem
Bouwe reinforces the warehouse team from Tuesday to Friday. He mainly works on processing incoming products in the warehouse and in the store. Bouwe is also responsible for processing orders.
E-mail: bestelling@baptist.nl

Jasmijn Bourg-Apeldoorn
Warehouse Baptist Arnhem
From March 2021, Jasmijn will be part of the warehouse team. She is mainly responsible for processing online orders and incoming products.
E-mail: bestelling@baptist.nl

Geert Buurman
Warehouse Baptist Arnhem
Geert has been working at Baptist since 2015. He supports in the warehouse and focuses mainly on the repair of machines. Keeping machines clean and dust-free is a must for a longer life of the machine and electronics.
E-mail: bestelling@baptist.nl

George van Dort
Warehouse Baptist Arnhem
Since 2019, George has been working at Baptist on Mondays and Wednesdays as a packer. He ensures that everything is neatly packed in the box, Baptist notepad in it, Baptist tape around it and on the PostNL cart!
E-mail: bestelling@baptist.nl

Hidde van Ophoven
Warehouse Baptist Arnhem
Hidde started in the warehouse on April 16. Welcome!
E-mail: bestelling@baptist.nl

Ramona Teunissen
Financial administration
Hi, I am Ramona Teunissen and I have been working at Baptist since June 2023. I am mainly concerned with the financial administration. I enjoy working with numbers and adding structure to something and luckily I find all that in my work.
In addition to my work, I enjoy being creative. But we are also big Formula 1 fans at home, so every weekend there is a race, we all sit in front of the TV.
E-mail: administratie@baptist.nl

Joanne Janssen
Hello, my name is Joanne Janssen. Working in marketing & communication at Baptist. Keeping track of the social media and creating the external expressions are my responsibility. In addition, I work enthusiastically as editor-in-chief on our semi-annual magazine NOEST and twice a year I organize a great event program full of workshops and presentations. I can also use my creativity in coming up with different giveaways such as the annual Easter and Christmas promotion.
In addition to my work, I also really enjoy walking and training with my beautiful and stubborn Saarloos Wolfdog cross and I can regularly be found in the gym.
E-mail: support@baptist.nl

Niels Udink
As an all-round web store employee, I am responsible for maintaining and optimizing the Baptist web store. In addition to editing product information, I am also involved in digital marketing and the functional accessibility of the website.
E-mail: support@baptist.nl